Customer Testimonials

  • I am a homeschool Mom who believes the best education is from the Bible. At the time I had 5 children with various learning levels and skills, no matter how much enthusiasm I poured into motivating them in Scripture memory, after a couple of weeks, the challenges of memorizing together ended my great endeavors by giving up with discouragement. Then I got a copy of Psalm 119 put to music by Susie Kimbrough. Every day I would sit my children on the couch and phrase by phrase, have them recite after me the verses. Picking out the melody on the piano or clapping the rhythm we would put the words to the music. It usually took at least a week to learn it from memory with a second week or two of review to get us all singing up to speed.

    My husband, who is very musically inclined, couldn't be with us for this teaching time so we bought a 2nd book that he could use to teach himself as he drove to and from work. Whenever we traveled in the car, it was effortless to start up a song and use the moments in singing Scripture. The words put to music helped us to remember Scripture like nothing else we had tried. What a joy it was, even as the children were playing, to hear them sing Scripture! It was becoming a part of them - wow!

    We have had more children since then and they have learned a lot of Ps. 119 just by listening to the rest of us sing the songs and share the music with others.

    Even now, years later, when a verse from Ps. 119 is read, I'll often have the tune pop up in my mind and the words to the verses start coming together.

    The music is delightful as it has the Jewish flavor that gives it a unique distinctive for our culture.

    I am so grateful for this resource that has forever helped us put Psalm 119 in our hearts. Some investments give immediate returns. This is one investment that has returns that aren't always obvious but I believe it gives eternal benefits that I will never regret. You can't go wrong investing in what God values. Bev K.
  • The best benefit has been how the melodies and words will start bubbling up in my brain throughout the day. That is so exciting to me! Julie K.
  • I purchased some [music books] from you a number of years ago and have appreciated this work so much and would like to share them with others. Jewell B.
  • We have promoted your music in a lot of churches on the west coast all the way down to California, as well as Hawaii. We have been so blessed by it. Ruth M.
  • I just visited my sister in the Philippines, and one of her girls was singing Psalm 119. I was impressed. Suzanne R.
  • What inspired me to buy the book, Psalm 119 in Song, was a desire to memorize Psalm 119 and a conviction that anything put to music has a much firmer foothold in my memory and chance of effecting change in my life. Right away, I discovered that Psalm 119 echoes the deep desires of my heart. It inspires in me a deeper desire to know God's Word, and because I'm using the medium of Psalm 119 in Song, it sings itself in my heart night and day, echoing what God is doing in me, joyfully! Deborah B.
  • Almost immediately the songs stuck in my mind and, with them (but more reluctantly), the words of Scripture. I'm sure after a few more times through I will have them memorized as well. Jim
  • Our church sings Psalm 119 on Sunday mornings, and your music is a blessing to us! Tia M.
  • [A friend] has just started a new job as the music teacher in a Christian school. She called me wanting your music to do for a school program. Ruth M.
  • I teach about 75 students in K–grade 9. There are about 6 more that do not take music, but they will all participate somehow in this. I wanted something that could be used by different ages, and when I saw one family and then another family perform, they used children as young as 6, right up to adults, so I knew it could work for me, too. Thank-you for writing something so beautiful. Inga-Marie S.
  • I cannot tell you what a blessing your music has been to me in the meditation of that Psalm! Thank you so much. Debby B.
  • My daughter's Sunday School Teacher had them memorize the first 2 songs in the book and had the class sing them acapella for a church program. Sheryl A.
  • I praise God for your work on Psalm 119 because I have struggled for years to get this Psalm to be memorized and this is a wonderful tool. Jewell B.
  • I taught 30 elementary age students from 5-12 all of the music from Psalm 119. We put hand motions to it and split it up into two programs. I have been so blessed with your music. I still sing through it occasionally, and it's amazing how much I remember without having to constantly review it. I love the accompaniment. Alicia P.
  • You don't know what a thrill it is to my heart to find this! Finding KJV Scripture is getting more and more difficult in any media. M. Craig
  • Our entire church is memorizing Ps. 119 to your music. We are doing a section of 8 verses per month, and this is our third month. I love it! Cathy S.
  • Psalm 119 in Song is without a doubt one of the most impactive pieces of music I have experienced. Primarily because it is the Word of God, but coupled with your fine arrangements it ministers to me in such a personal way. When I am singing it through even on a minimal basis (even piece by piece, day to day), I often awake with one of the sections running verbally and musically through my mind. God has created music to reach into our spirits particularly when it is coupled with the Word of God. What a wonderful thing to have the gem of the Psalms running through my heart on its own.

    Regarding my use of Psalm 119 in Song at the Montana Women's Prison, I was teaching through that Psalm and teaching the ladies the music as well. Singing the section before beginning the study always seemed to soften the ladies' hearts for the lesson. I don't recall the specifics now on “Daleth”, but reading through it I suspect the personal, first person action which the Psalmist emphasizes in “Daleth” appealed to the ladies (I shall talk, I have chosen, I will). They ultimately have to come to the point of personal responsibility and action if they are to walk away from self-destructive and immoral lifestyles (yes, it is sin). “Daleth” also expresses the humility necessary (v 25) for true repentance and always emphasizes the Word as the ultimate solution (make me, strengthen me, show me, remove from me). We were able to get through the music a number of times as we studied Psalm 119 for probably a year and each time it carried the Word of God across their hearts to be used of God to finish that which He had begun in them. Candy M.